Ep. 9. Love The Life You Live.
Download MP3It’s so easy to get buried in the mechanics of doing life that at some point you stop really living it to it’s full potential.
Your days become dictated by all the things you need to do; a long conveyor belt of one demand or responsibility after another.
It might be that one day it suddenly dawns on you that you’re not happy with the way things are – that’s what happened for me.
It might not be everything, but there’s just some things that have been niggling away at you for a while, things that just don’t quite feel right for you.
It might even have got to the point where some of the things you love have lost their sparkle for you too.
Join me for this episode of the Make Time For You podcast as I explore what causes these sorts of feelings to develop, and how you can move away from life feeling heavy, draining or burdensome & get back to living a life you love.
Tune in as I explore the every day things, as well as the bigger things, that might be causing you to feel out of alignment. We dive into topics such as how your identity can shift over time, but how that can cause things to feel uncomfortable, and affect your sense of self-worth, unless you take the steps to adapt with it. We also explore your core subconscious values – your guideposts that may not yet be within your conscious awareness; and delve into the heavy feelings of expectations & obligations.
So tune in for a jam packed episode that is sure to help you shift back into living a life you love and loving the life you live.
If you would like to explore your subconscious values further, make sure to join me for a ‘Value-packed’ masterclass on 11th December…
Unconscious Values Masterclass:
Uncover & explore your unconscious values, how fulfilled they currently are & what you need to do to feel more in alignment with them once again.
NB. This is a practical online session where you will be uncovering & working with your own set of values throughout the session. Spaces are limited to a maximum of 6 people and the session won’t be recorded.
Wednesday 11th December; 7-9pm
- Delivered via Zoom.
- Spaces limited to a maximum of 6 people
- £45pp
- Discounts available for CORE & PLUS Make Time For You Members (check your inbox in the Membership for the code)
Find out more & book your spot on the Unconscious Values Masterclass here.
Reminder of the questions posed during the episode:
- What do you want to be experiencing more of in your life?
- And what do you want to be experiencing less of in your life?
- And what needs to happen to make that happen?
Explore the Make Time For You Membership (including a 7 day free trial) here
And if we’re not already connected, why the devil not?!
I’d love to hear from you!
Get in touch at:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joplimmer/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/woodandthetreescoaching/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woodandthetreescoaching
Make Time For You @ Work
Get in touch to arrange your free workplace talk: jo@wattcoaching.co.uk
I’d love to hear from you!
Get in touch at:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joplimmer/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/woodandthetreescoaching/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/woodandthetreescoaching
Make Time For You @ Work
Get in touch to arrange your free workplace talk: jo@wattcoaching.co.uk