Ep. 7. You're Overthinking It!

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Do you ever find yourself wrestling with a relentless inner chatter that just doesn’t stop?!

It’s very easy to get to the point where your inner dialogue is consuming all of your time, energy & headspace, and you are left struggling to decide what to have for dinner, let alone anything important!

Some days that inner voice might be helpful, supportive and cheering you on – You Got This! 

Whereas other days, you find it telling you that you aren’t good enough, questioning your decisions or doubting that you’ve got what it takes to get the job done. 

Those cycles and changes don’t just happen by chance. They are the result of the things you are doing day to day. But that also means it is absolutely within your power to change it. 

So, join me as I explore what causes you to fall deep into all the worries & what if’s, second guessing and doubting yourself, and what you can do to get yourself out of that place. 

I’ll also share my own experiences of the pressures I put on myself to achieve, and how it would often lead me into unhelpful cycles of ruminating thoughts, overthinking & worrying about what others thought of me. 

Tune in for personal anecdotes and insightful discussion that will reveal how you can alleviate the mental noise and regain control, so you can continue juggling all those demands on your time with ease and confidence, without tipping over into feeling like you can’t cope.

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Ep. 7. You're Overthinking It!
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