Ep. 1. From Burnout to Chill Out
Download MP3Ever wondered how to balance an intense career and your personal passions, without burning out?
Join me on a journey from burnout to chill out as I share my personal experiences and the lessons I've learned about the critical importance of making time for yourself.
Listen in as I recount my days working as a full-time NHS Physiotherapist, specializing in stroke rehabilitation, while simultaneously training for triathlons and setting up my own private physio practice. I discuss the exhilaration of competing at high levels, the subsequent toll on my wellbeing, and the turning point that led me to reassess my priorities
My experiences underscored the crucial need for self-care and led me to explore how I could look after my needs, whilst still striving to achieve my goals and pursue my passions. It took me from NHS frontlines to becoming a health and life coach, adding tools like Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Timeline Therapy, and Hypnosis into my toolbox. I'll discuss how making ‘time for you’ can transform your life and help you to break free of the frustrating cycles of boom and bust that hold you back from achieving your goals. Tune in for practical advice and heartfelt stories that will inspire you to prioritise your own needs and embrace a balanced life.