Welcome to the Make Time For You Podcast with me, Jo Plimmer!

We live in a world where we are constantly on the go, and everything needs to be done quicker, bigger & better.

As a result, you might find yourself regularly pushing your needs to the bottom of your own priority list.

But not only does that affect your health & your wellbeing, it also stops you from achieving 'quicker, bigger & better'.

So join me, Jo Plimmer, physiotherapist, health coach & ex-GB age-grouper triathlete for the ‘Make Time For You’ Podcast, where I’ll be unpacking exactly how you can make time for you without neglecting the things and people that are important to you.

Every fortnight, we'll dive into a different topic to help make 'time for you' part of your daily strategy, instead of something you get to once everything else is done.

Listen to the Trailer

Latest Episodes

Ep. 12. Goals, Dreams and Manifesting

With the New Year just around the corner, this is a time that many of us naturally reflect back on the year gone by and make plans for the year ahead. In this inspirin...

Ep. 11. The Real Reason You Struggle To Ask For Help.

Being someone who is capable, resilient & independent is fantastic!But can it ever become unhelpful?What about when those same qualities cause you to take on more than...

Ep. 10. Embracing Your Inner Control Freak

Are you someone who feels uncomfortable when things are outside of your control? Perhaps you also like to take charge of a situation to ensure it runs smoothly – wheth...

Ep. 9. Love The Life You Live.

It’s so easy to get buried in the mechanics of doing life that at some point you stop really living it to it’s full potential. Your days become dictated by all the thi...

Ep. 8. - 5 Signs That You Are Overworking

When you are juggling multiple roles & responsibilities in your life, it is so easy to get bogged down & become lost in the thick of it. Stress & burnout our rife in o...

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